西班牙CSSS学院取址于欧洲之花”巴塞罗那市的最中心地段。于2017年夏季开始招生。 所有课程均为全英文授课以培养学生的国际视野。CSSS提供文凭课程,本科,研究生和DBA工商管理学博士课程。今年10月是CSSS首次秋季入学时间。
CSSS课程隶属于欧洲的两所著名高校: 波兰的University of Information Technology and Management (UITM)大学和意大利的Università degli Studi eCampus (Ecampus),参加UITM和eCampus课程的学生可获这两所高校颁发的学位,外加CSSS颁发的证书。同时CSSS的旅游 管理课程隶属于英国的Confederation of Tourism & Hospitality (CTH),学生毕业获CTH颁发的学位和CSSS颁发的认证.
UITM学位受中国教育部认可,可在中华人民共和国教育部教育涉外监管信息网查询 。
不同于其他多数的学院与大学,CSSS采用小班教学,每个课程只设20-25个名额以保证教学质量,更重要的是以保证尽全力给每一位学生提供在欧带薪实习的机会,CSSS至今已与超过200家机构和企业签订合作协议,其中含众多世界500强企业。秉承注重实践的内核,所 有学生在入学后初期即可凭意愿申请带薪实习并利用课余时间工作,不再需要等到毕业才开始实践,同时可以赚取一定生活补助。优异的毕业生还可获留欧工作机会。隶属CTH的酒店管理课程可获6-12月在4/5星酒店带薪实习机会。 其中隶属波兰UITM 大学的课程不仅能 在两个欧洲国家进行学习,更能在夏季前往美国访学 (J1签证) 等。详情请参见单科课程优势与机会(另一附件中)
入学时间: 每年2月和9月 (17年第一届开学时间为10月25日)
CSSS is located at the heart of the cosmopolitan capital of Spain's Catalonia region in Barcelona. Innovation and progressiveness is what defines the culture at CSSS. We are thoroughly focused on developing and value-adding to the students' aspirations and ambitions and thrive to inspire them to enrich their careers globally.
The College employs some of the leading faculties who are creative thinkers in their line of expertise, both at the graduate and undergraduate levels. For our doctoral courses, the faculties serve more as mentors inspiring students to stand tall at the global stage.
Our state-of-the-art infrastructure ensures that no one within our premises is inconvenienced in any way, be it in the pursuit of knowledge, boarding and lodging as well as support services. All of our courses include paid internships with possibilities of placements as well as free Spanish and English classes. We churn out the best in business as we aim to be better than the best.
Tel. +34 632 818 154 Email. jie@CSSS.es
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Wechat 632818154(西班牙CSSS学院)